Youth Classes
Classes are offered as 6-week sessions and geared towards students ages 8-16.
Fall: Wednesdays only, 3pm-5pm
Winter: Wednesday & Thursday
Winter: Session 1
Pottery: Painting Set
Jan. 8 - Feb 12
Wednesdays: 3pm-5pm
Students will create a painting palette, paintbrush holder, water container and any other fun addition to complete their very own set. Emphasis will be put on the form and function of their designs, along with plenty of individual flare.
Sewing 1&2
Jan 9-Feb 13
Thursdays: 3pm-5pm
Learn the basics of sewing machine and hand-sewing construction. Projects generally consist of: something to wear, something functional and a variety of handsewing stitches. Students who have taken this class before are welcome to take it again, brush up on their skills and have access to intermediate level projects.
Winter: Session 2
Gouache: Painting Patterns
Mar 5 - Apr 9
Wednesdays: 3pm-5pm
Gouache, pronounced gwaash, is an opaque watercolor that lends itself to crisp, stylistic lines. Students will work on several different designs, either following a consistent theme or just exploring the medium and color.
Sewing: Sweatshirts!
Mar 6 - Apr 10
Thursdays: 3pm-5pm
This is a more advanced level sewing class and requires that students be proficient on a sewing machine. We will be following a pattern where everyone will cut their own pieces and assemble with care and precision.
*Students will all be required to purchase their own fabric for this class. Instructions for fabric types and quantities will be emailed closer to the start of class.